Avengers: Infinity War - Reflection and Question Answers Part 2

Question(s) - What are the movie's messages about teamwork and courage? What happened when characters didn't work together as planned? Why is teamwork an important character strength? Which teammates in Avengers: Infinity War were particularly effective? What strategies did they use to contribute to their team? 

Avengers: Infinity War' Scene Where Thor Arrives In Wakanda Is Now ...

My answer - The movie has several messages about teamwork, starting with the fact that as a hero, you may not be able to save the world on your own (as seen by when the Guardians meet Iron Man, Dr. Strange, and Spider-man). Also that teamwork can spark new friendships and bring back old ones. The movie's messages on courage include the fact that each character had to be ready for what was to come, whether they were fighting those space demon-looking things in Wakanda, or they were physically fighting against Thanos himself. When the characters didn't work together as planned, for example when the guys in space were trying to get the gauntlet off of Thanos's hand, things went completely wrong. Because StarLord let his emotions spiral out of control, Thanos was able to awaken from Mantis's touch and leave the battle. Teamwork is a very important character strength because when heroes work as a team, it's easier to fight against what they're fighting against since there's more people and because if a plan goes wrong, there's other people to try to fix the situation. Personally, I believe everyone who fought in Wakanda was very effective when it came to their situation. Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, and Okoye all backed each other up while fighting one of Thanos's daughter, Thor and Captain America used their weapons for backup, and Rocket and Bucky spun in a circle while firing their guns. When it comes to the lads who were stuck in space, they concocted a plan to put Thanos under a sleeping spell in order to steal the gauntlet from him (but sadly, the plan was ruined by StarLord). So, out of all of the characters, I believe they all did their best in the situation at hand, and though they hadn't won (yet), they still at least tried to save the world, as that's all a person in their universe could ever ask for. 
