Blogpost 10/31

 Heading into this week, I was finally planning on making sure I had everything finished for my pre-production. I'd constructed the story for my script and began rewriting it on Sunday. I also asked my older sister, who is very talented when it comes to makeup, if she could test out the makeup looks I'd included in last week's blogpost. She was able to recreate the looks in the same vision as I'd imagined them, and we also planned out the overall looks both the Angel and the Archangel characters were going to wear for the film.

    Inspiration/Brainstorming - 

concept photo of what the human realm
vs the angel realm may look like

left - archangel hairstyle concept
right - angel hairstyle concept

Work Log

Monday - Continued working on script

Tuesday - Finished script

Wednesday - Began work on storyboard

Thursday - Continued work on storyboard / began blogpost investigation

Friday -  Finished storyboard / began putting blogpost together
