Blogpost 12/19

    My blogpost last week consisted of videos highlighting the importance of creating a good story for a short film, plus establishing the elements that make audiences feel connected with on-screen characters. This week, though, I wanted to shift my focus onto the 'look' of film and how to properly portray both great story-telling and realistic-feeling characters. Previously mentioned in my blogpost from November 21st, I wrote about how I wanted my next film to include various special effects that aid in telling the story of my protagonist. Because I wanted my film to seem a bit fast-paced and random at times (while still sticking to the over-arching story), I attempted to find videos on YouTube that broadcasted camera movements and effects similar to what I'd like to include in my film. Below are two experimental films that I believe are imaginative examples of the effects, colors, and overall themes I'd like to show in my next project.

    Inspiration -

I'm very inspired by the colors and effects used
in this short film; the elements used are able to
make the film fun and lets the editor get creative
(plus, for me personally, I'd be able to use said elements 
to progress the story)

I was inspired by the story and effects used in
this short film, since they are used to highlight the mental thoughts
of the film's protagonist and grants the audience the ability
to interpret what is happening on screen

    Brainstorming -

        Similar to how both experimental films consist of quick clips that help emphasize the story (like in Catharsis) or are used to make the video more fun and upbeat (like in Shapes and Colors), I'd like my next project to feature elements alike both films mentioned. I was planning on implementing lots of cuts between scenes to help establish the chaos going on in my narrator's mind. I also want to use lots of bright colors to emphasize the narrator's imagination and inner thoughts.

Work Log

    Monday - worked on script

    Tuesday - worked on script

    Wednesday - researched videos for blogpost

    Thursday - worked on script/blogpost

    Friday - worked on script/blogpost

