Blogpost 2/21

        I've had my fair share of writing scripts, as I'd had to script out each of the films I did for this class. As previously stated in another blogpost, writing the script for my projects was the most entertaining part of putting together a final film, and I am forever thankful I was able to switch my focus to screenwriting instead of film. But of course, film cannot be complete without a proper script. And that got me thinking about how every kind of media I love to endure -- movies, television shows, plays, even YouTube videos -- all began as scripts that someone wrote.  

        The HBO original Euphoria is a show that has recently come back to streaming. At the end of each episode, the director, Sam Levinson, includes a short segment titled "Going Into [said episode]" where he elaborates on the idea behind the episode and how it will affect the characters in the long haul. He also includes snippets of the original script, and this is what gave me the idea to find one of the episode's scripts (through Google, of course) and see what the episodes look like in written-form, then apply this format to my own script.

        I decided to use Euphoria's pilot as the script I would go off of since it was the first of the series. The episode is centered around the show's main character, Rue, a struggling drug addict. The script highlights the earliest parts of Rue's life -- from her graphic birth to her growing up and developing her addiction. I attempted my best to thoroughly format my script the same way Sam Levinson had for Rue's episode. Mine, of course, isn't about a teenage drug addict, but instead is the script-format of the first chapter of the novella I'm currently writing about a girl named Spencer who grows up in 20th century New York.

** Content Warning: Euphoria is an adult program so there may be some language that might make a reader uncomfortable **

Euphoria's Pilot versus My Script

        Work Log

Monday - researched Euphoria script

Tuesday - researched Euphoria script

Wednesday - worked on script

Thursday - FID/ worked on script

Friday - No school
