District Arts Festival Plan update

    Regarding an update on my District Arts Festival plan, I do believe I will stick to most of my original plan, though some things may be altered/changed when the times comes to physically work our displays. For example, one thing that may change within my plan is the background for the "An Angel's Wish" side, as I'd written in my previous blogpost how I was planning on having the background be mostly white with a bit of black towards the bottom. But this may change as I've been thinking that I might alter the background to instead just be white instead of two colors, though this may change. I also have to decide on the color of the night sky for my "Blood Moon" side, as I've been deciding between a very dark blue or any almost black-blue. I'm not planning on printing any images, but I will be displaying my only film of this year "An Angel's Wish" as well as the scripts I've written. I won't doubt I'll change/alter some things around, but as of right now, I have a set plan I'd like to stick to going forward.
