Critique Reflection

  • Some of the comments our group received are that the way we did our canting was cool, the pacing of our film worked well with its creepy exterior, and that the overall film had nice and smooth movements throughout. 
  • Personally, I feel that our group did the best job at keeping the camera steady as we moved the story along. In certain scenes, it was best for the camera to stay still as our main character's dream went on, and I believe we did a very great job of keeping it like that.
  • Most of our classmates thought our film had very smooth angles and movement, and that the overall tone of it all was quite creepy (in a sense). Another comment we received was that our characters and costumes (most indefinitely Alex's mask) fit our film's theme very well. Our classmates also said the pacing in our film didn't feel rushed and that certain clips were unsettling. 
  • I think our group worked together pretty well, but I do think one thing we needed to improve on would be to make sure we don't lose any clips and/or each of our group members have every clip we need. Unfortunately, a few of our group members didn't have all the clips we needed, but I believe if we did do this project again, we could make sure we don't make the same mistakes.
  • I believe the one thing we were told we could approve of would be our story as a whole, which I agree with completely. Even though I have the idea for the film, I do agree that we could have planned (or at least, myself) out what the ending could have been, or even improved the overall story. 
  • My personal weaknesses are probably coming up with creative ways on how to shoot certain scenes because I myself am not very confident when it comes to directing the group, though I'd like to improve on that. A strength of mine is probably coming up with a good premise for a film idea and/or being able to hold the camera straight without a tripod (imagine that). Or even knowing which angles go together well (maybe). I think I can make my strengths better by really thinking outside the box; If I really want a future film of mine to blow everyone away, I need to start thinking in a way I usually don't and start to look at things through a different perspective. 
