Avengers: Infinity War - Reflection and Question Answers Part 1

Question: How does the movie explore the idea/theme of sacrifice? Are there different kinds of sacrifices in the movie? What role does it play in the movie? What impact does it have on the characters?

Avengers Vs Guardians Of The Galaxy - Fight Scene - Avengers ...
Peter holding Peter

My answer - The movie explores the theme of sacrifice by looking into what a character may sacrifice in order to obtain their perfect world. Thanos is a character that will do anything (even sacrificing my girl Gamora) to reach his goal of having the world be split into fifty-fifty. When Thanos sacrifices his daughter for the soul stone, he exemplifies a selfish sacrifice, unlike the sacrifice, let's say, Tony Stark would have made to make sure Earth stayed safe (as did the others Avengers). Tony's sacrifice is one that is selfless, for he was prepared to risk his life (and relationship/future with Pepper) to pretty much save the world. Sacrifice plays a huge role in the telling of this story and effects many characters throughout the movie; It's mainly the "driving" point for all the heroes, since they are the ones prepared to risk their lives for the sake of humanity. It also impacts a bunch of characters, such as Tony ( he lost the kid :( ), Dr. Strange (he knew the exact reason why he had to give Thanos the time stone), the other Avengers, and especially StarLord (Gamora's death caused him to ruin the plan to get the gauntlet away from Thanos).

( Picture - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQpWRenGF_w )
