Genre Selection

    Out of all the genres shown, I am most interested in the 'Drama' genre, as well as the sub-genre of "thrillers". I really think it's awesome how nowadays I'm able to see a movie that consists of characters I'm able to relate to and problems that most people my age struggle with. Things like anxiety, depression, and overall stress is handled in very mature ways in this day and age, and I'm glad these ideas are conveyed in a way that shows how serious these internal struggles are. I feel as though the reason why I would prefer to work in this type of genre is the fact that I would love to be able to show the struggles that I myself have gone through and ones that other people have experienced. I don't know if there are any directors I would want to try to emulate; Personally, I would like to be seen as a filmmaker who comes up with my own ideas and executes them in a way that helps my audience connect their struggles to the ones the characters would be trying to overcome. Where the "thriller" part comes into play is when the problem a character is dealing with becomes too much for even them to handle, that struggle takes over their entire life and they are unable to think about anything else. The character would feel like their problem is following them, like it's chasing them and they can't get away. This would make for a very heart-racing, blood-pumping thriller film that I would personally enjoy creating and watching.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower
