Production Blog Post 2/15


we found it difficult to film at night so we decided to film
while it was light outside instead; I do plan on making the atmosphere
darker and a bit more thriller-like

My overall production phase has been fun and stressful at the same time. I really enjoyed working with both my sisters on this project, but we've also gotten sick of each other through the process (as most siblings do). While many good things have come out of this project, a few bad things also came out (for example: a part of my tripod broke so we had to tape it back together). I do believe that working on this film has opened my eyes to the world that is film-making because I felt so many emotions all at once; Feelings like joy, sadness, annoyance, and much confusion came along with this process, but I do believe that once it's fully edited together, it will be enjoyable to anyone who watches (hopefully).
