Going off from I had said in my previous blogpost (Blogpost 10/17), I have decided to switch my script up a bit and instead of having the angel come down on an important mission, she goes against her archangel and comes down to Earth by herself. This week I plan on going into more detail on why the angel wants to come down to earth so much and what she'll do once she's actually there. I also plan on going into further detail on the relationship between an angel and their archangel. Regarding my script, I plan on finishing it sometime next week, as well as getting everything else together (costumes + the filming set).
Inspiration - Costuming
examples of the dresses the angel |
Makeup Looks
top two - archangel |
Brainstorming -
Angel - regular angel but wants to work her way up to being an archangel - always dresses in white - bubbly personality - goes down to Earth despite her archangel's rules - sometimes dangerously curious
Archangel - well respected in her field of work - stern - dresses in white - main goal is to protect the angels under her wing and to help them boost to 'archangel status'
A curious angel is strictly told by her archangel that she cannot enter the earthly atmosphere until she becomes either a guardian or an archangel herself. But the angel ignores her archangel's rules and dives down into Earth to discover the human realm. The film ends with the angel realizing that she wants to become an archangel on her on and therefore grows as a person. (Themes of coming of age and the sacred realm play a part in the plot)
Coloring: white balance - the angel world is beautifully bright while the human realm has a dystopian feel to it (dreary and bleak)
Shots: POV for when the angel is descending to Earth - mostly middle and two shots for dialogue
Setting: Mostly outside for both angel realm and human realm
Work Log
Monday - Began work on script
Tuesday - continued working on script and thought about changing the plot
Wednesday - Began investigation and gathered images/worked a bit on script
Thursday - Worked a bit on script
Friday - Planned new script out/began putting investigation together
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