End of MP2 Blogpost

Intention Definition & Exploration of Ideas -

        Film is one of the greatest ways to express an idea through a creative art-style, and one of the ways a film-maker is able to do this is by following the patterns of a certain theme. Themes can range from relatability to pure fantasy; but for me personally, I like to give my films a mix of both realism and elements of imaginative concepts. The main reason I chose this mix of two themes is because I enjoy works of media that feel like they could be real, while also adding a bit of unrealistic elements (such as superpowers, monsters, etc.) can be very compelling for an audience. Many film-makers who use a similar theme to the one I chose use these materials to progress a story or to relate back to those watching, which was the prominent reason I chose to use the 'arts of daily life' within my works. The first film I created, 'An Angel's Wish', doesn't have many elements of relatability layered into it, and that's mainly because I wanted to shift the focus into a fantastical story. My angel film consisted of a few fantastical elements: mythical beings, two spiritual realms, magical doors, etc. The film I am currently working on, though, will consist of a mix of both relatability and fantasy, but will mostly rely on relating back to the audience watching. 

During the process of creating my previous film and planning my current one, I've learned from many creative people how to capture an audience with visual representation and story-telling. With those people's guidance and advice, I was able to put together a film the way I wanted it to look visually and advance my script-writing skills. Here are a few people who have inspired me through my journey to become a better film-maker and writer: Aidin Robbins, Cinecom.net, James Dallara, and Robert Machado.

Planning -

            As I stated above, I was inspired to progress my skills by many different creators. Because I wasn't sure how to begin when it came to some of the creative techniques I wanted to use in my films, I went to YouTube to research a few tutorials I could use when it came to finalizing the overall looks of my work. For my first film, I focused on color grading and using premiere pro's effects to emphasize the visual look of the two worlds I had in my film: the 'angel realm' appeared much more bright and colorful, whereas the 'human realm' appeared dim and somber. To give these two realms their specific color grading, I watched a few tutorials on perfecting my skills inside premiere pro. Obviously, I'm not as professional as those I watched, but I tried to the best of my ability to capture the artistic style and essence of the creators whom I went to for guidance.

            The initial idea I had for my first film was that I wanted it to have something to do with fantasy and spiritual beings, while also having small pieces of realistic characters, actions, and emotions. When I first began writing the script, the film was about an angel who had been given a very important job by a higher power and was to go down to earth to help a regular human out. I then changed this idea about a quarter through my script and instead decided to write about a dangerously curious angel character who would venture out of her realm to discover the world for herself.

Before Color Grading versus After Color Grading

     Script + Storyboard

       For my next project, I plan on using a lot more visual effects to help progress the narrative of my film. I also want to do this so I can become a bit more innovative with my film-making skills and learn some new techniques I could possibly use in any of my future creative works.

Producing -

            So far this year I've only created one fully developed film: 'An Angel's Wish' which follows the story of an angel going against the rules of her archangel and venturing outside of her spiritual realm. The film came out pretty well, though I wish I could have been a bit more creative with the overall process of developing this film, but for what it is I'm still proud of myself and my sisters' work. Because of my wish to have been a bit more creative when it came to producing my previous film, I decided I wanted to switch gears a little and focus more on the other half of my mixed theme which is 'the arts of daily life'. My current film follows a regular teenager whose rapid thoughts and emotions are displayed on screen through various visual effects. I noted in my 'What Theme Will I Be Exploring This Year?' blogpost how I'm always drawn to fictional characters with strong, authentic personalities, along with those whose emotions feel realistic. For this film, I want my audience to be able to resonate with the narrator both in a mental and emotional standpoint.

Evaluating -

            As of right now, I am in the process of finishing the final touches of my current film's script and storyboard. I am also planning on playing around with a few of the visual effects I learned from the creators listed above. I am hoping that the production process of this film is better than the last since I did have to rely on two other people to make sure we had enough time to finish everything on time.

Integrating -

            Where I want to be, regarding this class, is at a place where I know exactly what I want to do and how to do it. I've always enjoyed the process of creating a work of art, but I find myself to sometimes either 1) not know where to start or 2) develop some sort of writers-block that makes it hard for me to develop any kind of creative work. How I plan on changing or at least improving when it comes to pushing myself to think outside of the box is to continue my research on various creative works of those on YouTube and other similar platforms for inspiration. Another thing that could possibly help whenever I feel as though the right side of my brain is stuck on an idea but has no idea how to transfer it to a film is to write it out like a story - this will mostly help me with visualizing what I want my final project to look like. Since I was young I've loved the creativity that comes from writing, so I believe that perhaps writing out a portion of an idea I have for a film onto paper may progress my work and will assist me with the finalization of my future projects.
